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For A Mass Labor Party In The USA

For A Mass Labor Party In The USA

In our times of social collapse, a Labor Party founded and controlled by workers themselves is more necessary than ever. The two bosses' parties are conspiring to take away all we have. Forward for an independent workers' party to confront them!

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The Class War: A Vet Speaks Out At SF Tesla With Federal Workers About Musk, DOGE & War On The VA
As part of. a national day of action, rallies were held around the country to protest the massive layoffs and
union busting at the VA, EPA, OSHA, EEOC and many other government agencies.
At a federal labor community rally at the Tesla dealership in San Francisco, veteran Ricardo Ortiz spoke about
the attack on veterans, privatization and the need for united working class action against these fascist attacks.
He also reported that the Democrats as well as pushed privatization of the government as well and a labor workers
party is needed to defend working people
Additional Media:
STOP The Layoffs! Fed Workers Rally Against Musk & Trump & Speak Out At Tesla SF
Tesla Fremont Auto Worker Quits In Protest Of Racist & Fascist Musk & Trump
Hundreds Protest Fascist Musk At Berkeley Tesla Dealership-Time To Fight Back
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General Strike Now To STOP Mass Deportations! SF Action To Defend Immigrants As Part Of Global Day
A solidarity rally was held in San Francisco at the ICE office to protest the racist mass deportation campaign by Trump. The rally was also part of a global day of action on February 8, 2025 that also took place in Argentina, Greece, Turkey and Mexico City.
Speakers called the shutdown of ICE and for the trade unions to mobilize with immigrants for a general strike to stop these attacks. They also called for the building of a united front for public education, public services and against the fascist government. Speakers also called for the building of a mass working class party as a political alternative to the Democratic Party which is supported by the Democrats. Obama who
is called the deporter in chief when he was in office supported more police and militarization of the border.
The rally also discussed the role of US imperialist wars in Iraq, Syria and Libya had led to forced migration of millions of people in the Middle East and these migrants were then blamed by fascists and racists for the economic crisis.
The US sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela and other countries has also led to more migration to the US along with support for rightwing military coups and dictatorships.
Additional Media:
Gran acto frente a Cancillería contra las políticas antimigratorias de Trump y Milei…
Sacramento Statewide Rally Demands No Mass Deportations & Hands Off Immigrants
Millions of Mexican Americans were deported in the 1930s. Are we about to repeat this ‘ethnic cleansing’?
Obama's Immigration "Reform "Labor Capitulated To The Corporate Agenda"
The Teamsters and “Operation Wetback”
Slave Labor & Free Labor In The Golden State With Author & ProfessorJean Pfaelzer At Angel Island
California A Slave State With Jean Pfaelzer
Migration As Economic Imperialism With Immanuel Ness
The History Of Slavery In California With Professor Jean Pfealzer
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UFCLP Jan 20, 2025 Statement See MoreSee Less

UFCLP Jan 20, 2025 Statement


Posted by Domingo | Jan 13, 2025 | Journalism, Showcase-3, UFCLP Statements, United States | 0 |
There was a countrywide manhunt for Luigi Mangioni after the shooting of Brian Thompson the CEO of UnitedHealth and yet, just a day after Thompson was killed, 2 migrants were stabbed, one killed, in lower Manhattan, and yet there was not much concern or even notice by the local media after this hateful event. The truth is that those migrants were people of color who did not speak English and Thompson was a millionaire. There is no clearer situation that exposes the reality of capitalism than these two juxtaposed events. The fact is that Mangioni received tremendous support from working class people , especially in NYC. On social media he received 89,000 likes and counting with stories of horrific denials from many who posted. The shell casings on the bullets left behind said deny, delay and depose, all the responses that everyday working people get from computer generated AI letters from insurance companies. In fact most bankruptcies in the US involve people who have health insurance , but are ritually denied care. So many people in NYC are angered by their health insurance companies that there was a look alike contest in Washington Square Park in support of Mangioni, and chaulked on a sidewalk was written do we support Mangione yes or no with all participants writing yes. While vigilantism is no solution to the healthcare crisis, this issue will be a major one and since it cannot be resolved under capitalism, we will need socialism to guarantee healthcare for all.

How has this come to pass? Since the government’s job is to make sure that capitalism continues to reap tremendous profits, it has always intervened on the side of profit gouging companies such as UnitedHealth . In fact, there are 7 companies that control 70% of the Medicare Trust . The Center for Medicare and Medicaid is a publicly owned Trust , but doles out billions of dollars to private companies. More and more these private companies are gobbling up Medicare. Medicare has turned into Medicare (dis)Advantage, which overcharges seniors and most often denies them coverage , requiring pre-authorizations, thus those bullet casing left at the scene, represents the reality for millions of working class Americans who often die before their authorizations come through.

Knowing that only about 0.2 percent of policyholders will appeal their denied claims and that the majority will “either pay out-of-pocket costs or forgo the remainder of their prescribed post-acute care, these companies continue these practices without fear of retribution.

CMS even slowed down its implementation of its regulations pushing them back from immediately to 3 years from now even though it is clear to the government that these companies are committing fraud and that 8 out of 10 MA companies have been found to overcharge the government. A Facebook post by the company expressing sadness and shock at Thompson’s killing has, as of the time of writing, nearly eighty thousand laughing emoji reactions. Twitter/X exploded with jokes about his murder.

UnitedHealth was ranked 19th on Forbes’ list of the world’s biggest companies this year and has a market capitalization of more than $560 billion. The New York Times reported last year that UnitedHealthcare had plans with denial rates ranging from 7% to 27% in 2019, and the AP reported UnitedHealthcare, along with other for-profit insurers, “have become frequent targets of criticism” for denying claims and making it harder to get care.

May 17, 2023 the Permanent Subcomittee in Congress investigated Medicare Advantage health companies and found Among the Subcommittee’s new findings: •” Between 2019 and 2022, UnitedHealthcare, Humana, and CVS each denied prior authorization requests for post-acute care at far higher rates than they did for other types of care, resulting in diminished access to post-acute care for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. A senate investigation In 2022, reported that “UnitedHealthcare and CVS denied prior authorization requests for post acute care at rates that were approximately three times higher than the companies’ overall denial rates for prior authorization requests. In that same year, Humana’s prior authorization denial rate for post-acute care was over 16 times higher than its overall rate of denial. PSI also obtained internal documents that provide insight into each company’s use of the prior authorization, including the role of automation and predictive technologies. PSI found that: • UnitedHealthcare’s prior authorization denial rate for post-acute care surged from 10.9 percent in 2020, to 16.3 percent in 2021, to 22.7 percent in 2022. During this time, it was implementing multiple initiatives to automate the process.”

United Healthcare : “The company also has been accused of relying on a claims process, supported by artificial intelligence, that had a 90% error rate in determining whether a requested treatment was medically necessary.” Jeremy Olson of the Minnesota Star Tribune in an article Shooting of United Healthcare CEO reviews criticism of company’s medical claim denials

From the same article: “When you shoot one man in the street it’s murder,” one person posted on the social media site X. “When you kill thousands of people in hospitals by taking away their ability to get treatment you’re an entrepreneur.”

From the subcommittee: In December 2022, a UnitedHealthcare working group met to explore how to use AI and “machine learning” to predict which denials of post-acute care cases were likely to be appealed, and which of those appeals were likely to be overturned.

From AM News: An op-ed City Council Member Christopher MarteJust last week,wrote: Dr. Oz was nominated to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and could lead the charge, using the Project 2025 manual, to force seniors to change their healthcare to a system filled with red tape like restrictive networks and prior authorization requirements. New York City should not be fast-tracking this key part of Project 2025, which aims to make Medicare Advantage the default healthcare option for Americans at age 65, effectively privatizing Medicare. We cannot allow this plan to undermine Traditional Medicare, a literal lifeline for hundreds of thousands of seniors in New York City.

Unionized workers are also seeing their wage increases instead of going to living costs are turned over to increased health insurance costs. This cost shifting from the capitalists to the workers is another way that the capitalists are squeezing workers to increase their profits and most of these union officials continue to support the capitalist

Healthcare scam that ends up hurting workers real income.

Moreover, these insurance companies have invested in pharmaceutical companies to raise the cost of necessary drugs. These capitalists are criminals, killing thousands and putting millions of people in debt. In fact, most people with debt have health insurance. Capitalism is the cause of the death of millions domestically and abroad since it seeks to gain as much profit as is possible. The leadership of the unions are willing partners to this crime since they do not challenge the system in any way and in many circumstance they abet the crimes by undermining traditional Medicare with Medicare Advantage programs.

Top leaders from the AFL-CIO and other unions are also in the Democratic party leadership and voted to keep capitalist control of this healthcare and a corrupt workers comp system also run by the insurance industry which is betraying their own members.

The UFT president Michael Mulgrew and DC 37 president Henry Garrido are just 2 of the most vocal supporters of privatizing Medicare, but the rest have either capitulated or have done nothing to lead workers into a struggle against this privatization. Workers need to shake off these criminals now especially since Project 2025 will soon be a reality and HR94/95 will strip away nonprofit status from organizations deemed problematic for the government. We need to build a mass democratic labor party that will represent the needs of workers and challenge the whole system of capitalism.
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