For A Mass Labor Party In The USA
In our times of social collapse, a Labor Party founded and controlled by workers themselves is more necessary than ever. The two bosses' parties are conspiring to take away all we have. Forward for an independent workers' party to confront them!
Luigi Mangione BLEW UP Predatory Healthcare System, Protest Leader Vows
UFCLP Calls for Protest against J.P. Morgan Healthcare Investors Conferenc In San Francisco on January 13, 2025
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RESOLUTION: Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses…
July 4, 2020
The following draft resolution for Minnesota Nurses Association was submitted to official review on July 15th, 2020. The resolution can be changed should unions or Locals other than MNA wish to adopt the measure and build independent rank and file political power. The MNA Delegate conference will be held this fall.
Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses Association
July 15, 2020: DRAFT COPY – Discussion to follow
Political Independence and Power for the Minnesota Nurses Association
WHEREAS: The strength of our union is based on an organized, united, and mobilized membership; and
WHEREAS: All effective movements historically have been based on building collective and independent power to compel change politically and in the workplace; and
WHEREAS: Over decades, organized labor drifted from these principles into attempts to negotiate influence through alliances and gifts to dominant politicians and political parties; and
WHEREAS: These strategies have not grown union membership, increased union power in the workplace, weakened corporate influence in health care, addressed racial disparities in any significant way, nor affected the long retreat union labor has endured for decades; and
WHEREAS: Corporations have dominant influence within two political parties while working class people currently have no political organization of our own.
WHEREAS: The relationship of organized labor to the two dominant political parties has divided our membership, enforced a misplaced perspective that change will come from above, weakened our identification as nurses and workers, and prohibited the formation of a genuine worker’s party; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Minnesota Nurses Association commits to building independent political power and strengthening membership unity, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: As of January 1, 2021, MNA will no longer donate funds to political candidates, political action committees, nor any other funding vehicle associated with the Republican and Democratic Parties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: As of of January 1, 2021, MN will not endorse or donate labor or other in-kind services to political candidates, political action committees, or any other funding vehicle associated with the Republican and Democratic Parties or their candidates.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: MNA will promote political independence through the Minnesota AFL-CIO and join with workers and community members across the State who are engaged in the same.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: MNA will build our influence in political arenas through organizing, demonstrating, building our own independent candidates, strikes, and crafting laws that build power for union members and the larger working class in health care across Minnesota and the United States.
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Labor Movement Must Unite Working Class to Resist Corporate Agenda, Fight for Real Solutions
“Working people need an independent political organization to fight for our interests against the corrupt two-party system, and we call upon our locals and members, the rest of the labor movement, and our allies in other social movements to get serious about building a true political alternative, a labor party that can unite and speak for the working class.”…
NOVEMBER 6, 2024
For over half of a century, working people in the U.S. have seen stagnating wages, worsening working conditions, the loss of good jobs, and constant increases in the cost of living. This is the result of corporations’ never-ending thirst to squeeze as many profits out of workers as possible. Throughout this time, both major parties have been complicit in this corporate assault. They have maintained their power, and a corrupt two-party system, by dividing the working class along lines of race, gender, and education. Frustration with the Democrats and their unwillingness to confront corporate power or offer real solutions to working people’s economic concerns led many working people to vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday, giving him the margin of victory.
While working people largely voted for Trump in the hope that he will improve the economy, Project 2025, the 900-page blueprint for a second Trump administration, will only worsen the economic problems working people face. One of the most dangerous political threats that the labor movement, and the working class, has faced in generations, Project 2025 proposes a variety of measures to weaken unions in the private sector, and bluntly states its objective to eliminate them completely in the public sector. It also seeks to weaken or eliminate virtually every law that protects workers, from OSHA to the minimum wage to laws against child labor.
Furthermore, we know from Trump’s first term that a Trump NLRB will seek to remove National Labor Relations Board protections from hundreds of thousands of graduate workers by classifying them as simply students, not workers, despite all of the paid labor that they provide to their universities. We also know from Trump’s history, and the rhetoric he has used throughout his campaign, that he will continue to demonize immigrants and encourage attacks on them — and we know that employers will take advantage of those attacks in order to silence immigrants who are union leaders.
Faced with these threats, the labor movement simply cannot afford to retreat into a defensive crouch as it did after the election of Republican presidents in 2001 and 2017. Our unions must be prepared not only to militantly defend workers, but also to lead a broad and militant social resistance to Trump and the Republican Congress. The policies that they will seek to enact, both legislatively and through executive branch action, will hurt everyone except the super-rich.
As the airport occupations in 2017, the mobilization to defend the Affordable Care Act in 2018, and the general strike threat in response to the federal government shutdown of 2018-19 all show, the anti-worker Republican agenda can be defeated, and the labor movement must step up to the plate and help lead such struggles.
The strike, labor’s ultimate weapon, will be a key part of working-class resistance to a second Trump administration. In the higher education industry, where UE is the leading union of private-sector graduate workers covered by the National Labor Relations Act, university administrators will be faced with a choice of whether or not to side with Trump’s attacks on graduate workers and immigrant students. Those administrators who take advantage of Trump’s policies to attack workers must be met with fierce resistance and militant action, including large strikes by majorities of workers. UE is prepared to engage in aggressive struggle to ensure that universities respect labor rights and that international graduate workers are not targeted. We call upon the entire labor movement to close ranks with this sector of the working class and any others that come under special attack.
Trump won because the Democrats have largely failed to clearly take the side of the working class, either while in office or on the campaign trail. While Harris claimed to be fighting for the “middle class,” she offered few concrete policy proposals beyond a vague claim that she would cut taxes. Had Harris campaigned vigorously on a platform of reining in corporate power, investing in green jobs, and providing universal healthcare, she would have given working people a more compelling reason to vote for her than simply opposing Trump.
Harris was also hurt by her unwillingness to condemn Israel’s year-long military assault on the people of Gaza, with a significant number of potential Democratic voters feeling that they could not vote to “endorse genocide.”
This election has demonstrated, once again, that the current two-party system is incapable of uniting working people around a vision for progress. We reiterate the position taken by UE’s General Executive Board in September: “Working people need an independent political organization to fight for our interests against the corrupt two-party system, and we call upon our locals and members, the rest of the labor movement, and our allies in other social movements to get serious about building a true political alternative, a labor party that can unite and speak for the working class.”
In the immediate future, the labor movement faces an existential threat. The most anti-union elements of our society will have the full power of the federal government at their disposal, and have made clear their intentions to destroy us. We must respond by uniting our membership and uniting our class; engaging in militant struggles, including strikes, to defend our rights and our unions; and leading a fight for a future that puts people over profits.
Carl Rosen
General President
Andrew Dinkelaker
Mark Meinster
Director of Organization
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Labor Movement Must Unite Working Class to Resist Corporate Agenda, Fight for Real Solutions
Statement of the UE officers on the election For over half of a century, working people in the U.S. have seen stagnating wages, worsening working conditions, the loss of good jobs, and constant increa…
The Coming Fascist Government, Trump, The Nazis and “Unhumans"
For decades fascists and Nazis have sought to take power in the United States. Russ Bellant a historian has been studying this movement since the George Wallace Campaign and how the Trump government will contain fascists and others who have a Nazi ideology. The Heritage Foundation which was funded
from money from the Coor's family has brought together the Project 2025 Project which the Trump government is now putting in place. He also discusses a new book published a day after Trump won the election called for "Unhumans" which
he compares to Hitler's Mein Kampf for the incoming Trump government. He also discusses how it will destroy all public education, public services and set up company unions destroying the present trade union movement unless it is stopped.
This interview was done on 11/30/24.
Production of Labor Video Project
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Time To Prepare For A Fascist Government And Attacks On The Unions and Oppressed
The election of Trump and the fascists and racists who backed him is an existential struggle for workers, unions and the oppressed in the United States
Already, Trump and his gang are planning to issue hundreds of executive orders when he takes office to put Project 2025 into immediate effect. He will also staff the NLRB with fascists from groups like Turning Point USA, who will shut down all new organizing elections and seek to eliminate union power. Their plan is also to roll back the unionization of graduate students and stop the organizing drives at Amazon, non-union auto plants, Starbucks, and many other organizing campaigns.
Part of their plan will also be to target the UAW and its president Shawn Fain, who called Trump a scab and union buster. Already, the UAW is under monitorship and Trump will move to put the union in trusteeship, seize the strike fund and try to jail Shawn Fain with the help of his fascist Justice Department. He and his cronies will also use labor law against corrupt union leaders like the SEIU that have organized millions of workers. They will seek to remove their leaderships and seize their funds and stop them from being an obstacle to his union-busting agenda.
One reason that the UAW is under attack is because of its call to stop arms shipments from the US to Israel. UAW monitor Neil Barofsky has tried to stop this with a politically-motivated attack on Shawn Fain on trumped-up corruption charges. The genocide supported by both the Democrats and Republicans in Gaza shows the bourgeoisie’s real agenda, that is to help the Israelis keep control and expand the Zionist capture of Palestinian and Lebanese land. This is backed up by the US military machine.
The decline of US imperialism and the rise of fascism globally are directly connected. The US empire is in fundamental decline and it faces competition with China and other countries, which it will try to crush. Trump’s tariff war against China, Europe and other countries will further drive the world toward depression. The trade war and drive for new markets for capitalism is a fundamental element in the drive for war and occupation. Trump ran as a capitalist who would end wars but imperialist war is part and parcel of our economic system, the military industrial complex and war profiteering.
The AFL-CIO, the federation of US trade unions, was formed as a pro-capitalist, pro-imperialist institution in the 1950’s, with a top down structure that disempowers rank and file workers. The union bureaucracy has been integrated into the Democratic Party. This includes SEIU president April Verret, who was controller of the California Democratic Party, and Randy Weingarten, who is on the national committee of the Democratic Party.
The union bureaucrats refused to carry out any national campaign against Trump’s racist attacks, his attacks on immigrants, and his attempts to whip up xenophobia and Islamophobia. The massive deportation drive and terror campaign against migrants and immigrants will only be stopped by mass action in these communities in unity with organized labor. The union leadership have been totally silent about the threat of mass deportations and they are also opposed to any independent labor mobilization against fascism. This silence is complicity.
The battle between the two capitalist parties in the US and the swing to the right by the Democrats left a massive political vacuum in the United States and helped Trump and the fascist cabal around him come to power.
Workers and the unions are now confronted with a frontal attack on the right to organize. We are faced with the destruction of the National Labor Relations Board as the right attempts to destroy the labor movement and replace independent unions with company unions. The NLRB was a structure set up in 1935 to regulate labor after massive strikes and occupations during the 1930’s and 1940’s They will now use federal injunctions to stop labor activity and strikes and if these strikes become nationwide, they may call in the army to break them.
United fronts of workers and community organizations have historically played a critical role in the defense of the oppressed. In the 1930s, some 1.8 million immigrants of Mexican descent were deported in the Mexican Repatriation. This was opposed by a coalition of unions such as the Congress of Industrial Organizations and the International Workers of the World, civil rights groups such as the League of United Latin American Citizens, communists and socialists, and a wide array of community organizations. A coalition of labor unions and working class, community, and immigrants rights organizations is urgently needed to defend ourselves.
The UAW should take the lead and call a national conference on the threat of fascism and how to fight it. Only a conscious, organized working class can defend against these fascist assaults. Today, unionists and workers must fight for a united front against fascism, organizing within unions and communities to prepare for the state sponsored attacks that are coming.
We need to fight for a mass democratic labor party to politically challenge and organize against these attacks. We call on UAW President Shawn Fain to call a national convention to discuss and organize the militant sections of the working class in the formation of a labor party and for him to prepare now to run for president.
The United Front Committee For A Labor Party was formed to unite workers, unions and the oppressed to educate and organize for a labor party in the United States and fight to unite with workers internationally who face the same tasks. A US labor party must fight alongside workers to take power. We must unite internationally with workers throughout the world. We face the same issues and struggles globally. We now need to prepare for general strikes against the coming attacks and terror campaign.
At the same time Musk, Thiel, and other techno-fascists will start providing millions for the formation of fascist armed, organized gangs to harass, murder, and intimidate any political opposition to their fascist policies. UAW and union organizers will soon become physical targets by fascists, particularly in the South, to stop any organizing or to smash the present unions. Only united action by the entire working class can defeat the coming onslaught. We will have to organize defense guards to defend ourselves and immigrants, who will surely be assaulted by government thugs.
The time for education, organization and action is vital; this is a life and death question.
For More Information, Contact UFCLP at
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Last Night's Election From NYC AFT PSC CUNY Pres
Dear PSC Members,
Thank you to everyone who worked on behalf of the PSC’s endorsed candidates. There were a number of important successes in the legislature. When it comes to the race for President, however, the outcome is devastating and dangerous. Trump’s election is a threat to democracy. Republicans won a majority in the Senate and are threatening to win a majority in the House. Please check on your loved ones and take a deep breath. Show solidarity to the people in your life who are more at risk today than yesterday, and try to be present for your students and colleagues. Then prepare for the struggles ahead.
We should be clear: Trump’s election is a victory for fascism in the United States. His anti-worker, misogynist, racist, xenophobic agenda will make many lives more miserable and painful here and around the world if left unchecked. That is where we come in. The Trump movement has us in their crosshairs as educators and unionists. Educators need to redouble our efforts to build our power and reassert the role of knowledge and critical thinking to a functioning democracy. Unionists understand the power of solidarity and will need to exercise collective action. An autocrat like Trump can only have gained the support of so many Americans by playing to our fears and anxieties, because his policies and the Project 2025 blueprint cannot help us and will in fact harm us – some more than others.
It is hard to say what is most broken when a convicted felon, someone who announced in advance his intention to rule like a dictator, is elected U.S. President. But what’s troubled me the most is the right-wing assault on truth and the very idea of verifiability. That assault has been swift and effective. Those of us who work in higher education engage our students in the production of knowledge and the search for truth. Whatever our discipline or field, our work is about cultivating an informed citizenry. The movement that Trump leads is fundamentally about undermining that project. As we’ve seen in Florida, Texas and elsewhere, he and his acolytes aim not only to discredit and defund educational institutions but also to undermine the values and principles on which the public education system is built.
It is a wake-up call for organized labor that Trump’s movement has effectively harnessed such broad support of working people and the poor. The conservative elite in this country believed they could use Trump to move their agenda, cloaked in populist rhetoric. But Trump’s movement has also used them. We in the labor movement and in higher education must rise collectively to this moment to contain and defeat autocracy.
We can mourn what this election reveals about our country, and today we should take a moment to breathe, but then we must organize.
The PSC is part of a quickly forming coalition of grassroots organizations and labor unions mounting a “Protect our Futures” rally and march in Manhattan this Saturday November 9th at 12 noon. The event will begin with a rally at Columbus Circle. Fill out the PSC webform linked below to let us know you will come.
Click this link and complete the webform to tell us you will be at the Protect our Futures rally this Saturday, November 9th, 12:00 PM at Columbus Circle.
We'll take stock and talk about next steps at an online election debrief open to all PSC members on Monday, November 11th at 12PM. Here is the registration. I hope you will attend.
Click this link and complete the Zoom registration for a link to join the online PSC Election 2024 Debrief Monday, November 11 at 12:00 PM.
James Davis
PSC President
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Stop Fascist Coup & Insurrection With A General Strike
Workers & Unions Have To Prepare NOW To Stop Fascist Take-over
The imminent threat of a fascist coup and insurrection is growing regardless of the results of the election. Trump and his fascist cronies have said they will accept nothing less than taking power.
They have the backing of the US Supreme Court, which has ruled that the president can take any action if he declares it an “official act.” and they control the House.
The Democratic Party cannot stop this fascist movement because they are not willing to mobilize workers in defense of democratic rights. They are relying on the army to save them. A large part of the military brass, including Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, are saying that Trump is a fascist through and through. Trump has said he would have Milley put on trial for treason and killed. This is what is in store for the top US military officials who are opposing him.
Trump has already said he would fire UAW president Shawn Fain and the UAW is already under a monitor for past corruption. If Trump takes power he will quickly put the UAW in trusteeship and file criminal charges against Shawn Fain and likely jail him. He will then seize the strike fund and shutdown militant locals around the country that have had strikes or opposed the genocide by Israel supported by the US.
Under Project 2025, the NLRB will be taken over by fascists like Turning Point USA, who have been working with Trump to fire thousands of civil service workers and replace them with fascists.
He will also unleash these racists and fascists to murder trade union organizers, particularly in the South and also use them against Black, Brown and Asian communities..
Trump and his fascist movement will not be stopped by a split capitalist class that is engaged in internecine warfare. Neither capitalist party has a solution to this systemic crisis.
The techno fascist gangsters like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison, and David Sacks are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to push a victory for Trump, who says he will eliminate regulation of the environment, OSHA and any regulation of Crypto currencies. This will escalate the speed of an economic panic and collapse globally.
The cause of this crisis is the decline of US imperialism and the crisis in capitalism for more profits and markets. The US cannot compete against China and that is why Trump is calling for massive tariffs that will lead to trade war and global depression and a drive toward world war. The Democrats, like the Republicans, are for more militarization and support for the genocide of the Palestinians and Lebanese and the people of the Middle East.
The trade unions and working class have the power to carry out a national general strike yet the AFL-CIO union officials are totally loyal to the Democratic Party. They were silent when Trump was in power and publicly race baited Latinos, Blacks and Asians. Their silence was deafening and their silence today is ominous. They are telling workers to rely on Harris and the Democrats to protect them.
Only workers and unions organized independently can defend themselves. We call on workers to set up discussions and united front action committees on the need for organizing a general strike against a coming insurrection and attempted coup. We need a united front of all working class organizations and unions to fight fascism. The failure to build a united front will lead to the victory of the fascists, as was the case in Germany. We have no choice.
Trump and his fascists will not be stopped with words. We have to break with the bankrupt Democrats, who are pushing us toward world war, and build a mass democratic labor party that can provide a program that will put the wealth and resources of this country in the hands of the working people and not the billionaires who run not only the US but the world.
Time is short.
Statement Of United Front Committee For A Labor Party
If you agree with this please contact us at
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For A Mass Labor Party In The USA
In our times of social collapse, a Labor Party founded and controlled by workers themselves is more
November 8, 2024 International Day Of Action To Defend Workers Rights In Namibia
Rally At Namibian and Chinese Embassies & Consulates Around the World
In San Francisco
Friday November 8, 2024 5:00 PM
Chinese Consulate Laguna & Geary St.
San Francisco, California
Namibian workers are under attack. They are being injured and killed in the uranium, marble and lithium mines and their union leaders have been harassed, bullied and fired for standing up for their members.
At the Namibia Husab uranium mine which is the second largest in the world, firefighters and other mine workers have been contracted out by the owner China General Nuclear Power to Eagle Night Watch Security company. Workers do not have masks and PPE and are being poisoned and injured on the job as contract workers which is benefiting CGNP.
The Namibian Labour Commission as well has also been captured by CGNP and the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation that controls the Rossing nuclear mine. Unionists at both these mines have been fired and Chinese workers are being brought into do their work violation their union and labor rights under Namibian law.
On November 8, 2024 there will be an arbitration for Eagle Night Watch Security workers to demand that the company pay them a living wage and has proper health and safety protection. The Labor Commission has also stalled the arbitration of Husab union leader Marcia Kauatjitotje who was fired for defending her fellow workers.
Please join this international campaign and take action at the embassies and consulates of Namibia and Chinese on November 8.
Rehired All Fired Namibian Union Workers At The Husab and Rossing MinesPPE, Health and Safety Rights On The Job & Healthcare Benefits For All Husab & Rossing Mine Workers
No More Fake AA Reports On Conditions At The Husab Mine
Pay Workers Living Wages NOW & End Contract Labor
Additional Media:
Namibia Husab Uranium Miners China & The Worker's Struggle Against Union Busting and Corruption
The Union Busting War On Namibian Workers
Chinese State-owned Companies Now Control Entire Nambia Uranium Industry…
Safety concerns rock Swakop Uranium
Internatonal Labor Solidarity Committee For The Namibian Miners
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Stop Privatization, School Closing & Union Busting In SFUSD & CCSF … See MoreSee Less